Riley Brockington

Re-elect / Réélisez
City Councillor / Conseiller Municipal
River Ward / Quartier Rivière

On Monday October 24,
I ask for your support to return me to City Hall, to be your strong, effective, community-based City Councillor.

Dear River Ward Residents,

Ottawa is a fantastic city to live, work and play in, my hometown and I want nothing less than a safe, vibrant, prosperous city for all residents. River Ward is where I have called home my entire life and am currently raising my two daughters. I have served our community in many capacities, as your City Councillor, Past Public School Trustee, former Community Association President & Director and many other organizations and initiatives.

The 2018-2022 term of office was challenging: LRT debacle, COVID, winter occupation/protest and spring derecho storm were four major events. My goal is always the same – I strongly advocate for you, acquire resources, consult and share as much information as possible.

During the 2022-2026 term of office, Council will need to focus on a number of major reviews including the Transportation Master Plan and Comprehensive Zoning Bylaw Review. Local development applications in River Ward continue and will need on-going attention while respecting existing residential communities.

Improving OC Transpo’s LRT, bus and Para reliability is critical. A debate on fares, affordability and how to modify the long range financial plan is key. Housing affordability, housing supply, inclusionary zoning and other policy issues will need greater attention and resourcing.

I am committed to strengthening the City’s Climate Master Plan and GHG Reduction plan and I will introduce a motion to fund the most comprehensive tree planting plan in the City’s history. The loss of trees from the May storm and the need to expand the urban tree canopy is urgent.

Infrastructure renewal which includes water, the transportation network, sidewalks and MUPs must be properly maintained not only for safety reasons but it is cheaper to fix infrastructure when work is needed then allowing it to further deteriorate and then allocate resources.

I have extensive community experience and knowledge and I continue to learn every day. I have developed strong relationships in the community to understand issues and get things done. I will represent all residents of our ward.

On Monday October 24, I ask for your support to return me to City Hall, to be your strong, effective, community-based City Councillor.